Merry Christmas, New Posts Coming Soon

Well, since I’ve been busy, and I’m gonna remain busy for quite a while, I just want to give you guys a heads up. I’ll be posting something new on the 24’th of December, that’s right, Christmas Eve, so that you lonely bastards whose flights left them and are going in the morning, or you guys who just don’t seem to have a weekend work break, will have something to do while there. Also, there are a few new videos uploaded to my YouTube Channel for the holiday season. I hope to see you guys reading some articles real soon. In the mean time, I have to log off and get ready for another Christmas party to which I am to attend. Wish me luck, and see you guys soon. 🙂


Season’s Greetings! (Even though I’m an Agnostic Theist.)



(c) Anachronic Works 2011